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  • Kerry Sleeman Photography

Boudoir Session with Cassandra

Gorgeous Boudoir Session with Cassandra

"I felt very confident."

My Boudoir session with Cassandra was amazing! Loving the different looks we achieved from her session from a simple sheer dress, to a sexy jacket with suspenders! Here is what Cassandra had to say about her session!

How old are you?


What do you do for a living?

Makeup artist

What made you decide to do a boudoir session?

To help inspire other ladies.

What was your perception about Boudoir before your session?

I love boudoir and helping women feel beautiful for their shoots

Did you have fears about committing to a boudoir session and what were your worst fears?

Yes. Worrying how I would look and my lack of ability in posing. As well as being self conscious about my scars.

Was the session what you expected it to be or was it more?

It was more. Kerry, your amazing. You were able to pose me and made me feel so comfortable.

What was your favorite part about your boudoir experience?

Having a laugh and getting to know you.

What was your reaction to your makeup and hair?

Best hair and makeup ever ;)

Where did you go to source your boudoir outfits from?

Mostly Honey Birdette.

How did you feel when you saw your photographs?

I loved them. I felt very confident.

What advice would you have for other ladies interested in doing their own boudoir session?

Just do it. Find some pieces of clothes that you feel sexy in and start there.

Did anything change about the way you see your own beauty and confidence as a result of the session?

I’ve always been pretty confident but you helped with my confidence in front of a camera

How did you hear about Kerry Sleeman Photography's Boudoir Photography?

I originally saw your work on a Facebook group many years ago.

How did you like working with Kerry Sleeman before and on the day of your session?

You were fantastic.

Would you do it again and if so would you change anything?

I would do it again, I would make sure I stretched my back more before hahaha.

Would you recommend a boudoir session others?

Yes! Have been trying to convince a few friends to just take the plunge.

What was the reaction?

I’ve had lots of great comments about my photos. Thank you.

Check out Cassandra's Album of image on Facebook!

Thank you for the feedback!

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